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MPL-B220T-VJ72AA, MP-Series MPL 480V AC Rotary Servo Motor

MXN $76,945.00 - (IVA Incluido) + Envío

Sin existencias

MP-Series MPL 480V AC Rotary Servo Motor

Current 480 V AC
Peso 2.222 kg
Dimensiones 28.7 × 9.65 × 15.49 cm
Type Resource Publication
General Link to 3D model on the Motion Analyzer website --
General Installation Instructions --
General Product Brochure --
General Product Cutsheet --
Technical Data knx-td001_-en-p KNX-TD001
Link to 3D model on the Motion Analyzer website General
Installation Instructions General
Product Brochure General
Product Cutsheet General
knx-td001_-en-p Technical Data

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Omega Automation México


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